SDAA Membership for 2025/26 Season
New & Lapsed Members
SDAA membership for the 2025/26 season for new/lapsed members will only be made available once the existing members renewal process has been completed. The club does not maintain a waiting list for prospective members. Full details of the application process for new/lapsed members will be posted on the SDAA website in early May.
Current Members
Current SDAA members must inform the club of any change to their postal and/or contact email address by Tuesday 25 February 2025 as membership renewal application forms will be posted to current SDAA members during early March. The deadline for renewing your SDAA Ltd membership will be midnight on 30 April 2025.
Junior Members
Associate Junior Membership is free, but subject to the following additional rules:
Associate Junior Membership Cards must be carried at all times whilst on club waters.
Associate Junior Members can only fish whilst supervised by the Member shown overleaf.
Members and their Associate Junior Members must occupy the same swim.
Associate Junior Members can only fish with one rod.
Associate Junior Members are not permitted to vote at the AGM.
Associate Junior Members can claim specimen trophies.
Download and complete the forms below
Being a member of the SDAA
Members are the lifeblood of any club, providing the essential support and engagement that drive its success. Their active participation and diverse perspectives foster a vibrant community, enriching the Shefford and Districts Angling Association activities and initiatives. Members' contributions, whether through volunteering, sharing ideas, or simply being present, create a sense of belonging and purpose. Without dedicated members, our club would struggle to thrive and achieve its goals.